Anterior Hip Replacement

Anterior Hip Replacement

Anterior Hip Replacement services offered in Nashville and Murfreesboro, TN

Anterior hip replacement surgery uses minimally invasive techniques that cause less tissue damage and postoperative pain than traditional posterior hip surgery. Fellowship-trained joint replacement surgeon Robert Otto, MD, specializes in performing anterior hip replacements. Dr. Otto is part of the Southern Joint Replacement Institute and has offices in Nashville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Most people having anterior hip replacements under Dr. Otto’s care can walk without assistance in around 2-3 weeks. To benefit from his unrivaled expertise in anterior hip replacement surgery, call Robert J Otto MD today or book an appointment online.   

What is an anterior hip replacement?

Anterior hip replacement is a technique Dr. Otto uses during surgery to substitute a damaged or diseased hip joint with artificial components. Anterior means “front,” so the anterior approach involves Dr. Otto making his incisions in the front of your body to gain access to your hip joint.

Anterior hip replacement provides an alternative to traditional posterior hip replacement surgery. Posterior surgery involves accessing your hip through your buttock. Many patients are suitable for anterior hip replacement, but certain issues might mean it’s not the best choice for you.

If you have an implant or metalwork in the hip from previous surgeries, it could get in the way when using the anterior approach. Other problems that might prevent anterior hip replacement include childhood hip deformities, a gluteus tendon tear, or excessive skin overlying the hip that could lead to issues with wound healing.

Why would I need anterior hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacements are an effective, long-term solution to the pain and joint dysfunction diseases like osteoarthritis can cause.

Osteoarthritis affects the smooth, slippery articular cartilage in your joints. In your hip, this cartilage enables the round ball at the top of your femur (thigh bone) to move painlessly and freely in the socket (acetabulum) in your pelvis. Osteoarthritis results from articular cartilage wear-and-tear that leaves your bones unprotected.

Physical therapy, medication, and joint injections can keep osteoarthritis symptoms under control for a long time, but as the disease worsens, they may stop working. At this point, if you’re experiencing significant pain and disability because of arthritis in your hip, Dr. Otto can replace the entire joint.

What advantages does anterior hip replacement offer?

Anterior hip replacement has some significant advantages, including causing less tissue damage. With the posterior approach, Dr. Otto has to cut through the buttock muscles to access your hip. But using the anterior approach, he can simply move your muscles out of the way instead.  

Using live x-ray during the surgery enables Dr. Otto to more accurately place the hip replacement parts and match leg lengths.  This also reduces the risk of dislocation after surgery.

Because no tendons or muscles are cut, the anterior approach is also called muscle-sparing hip replacement. Less muscle damage means less post-surgical pain, smaller scars, and faster healing. With anterior hip replacement surgery, Dr. Otto can operate and send you home on the same day, saving you the inconvenience of staying in hospital after your operation.

In addition, as your hip muscles don’t suffer the same damage, they’re more able to support your new hip. That means you’re less likely to experience hip dislocation after your surgery.

To find out more about anterior hip replacement surgery and see if it’s right for you, call Robert J Otto MD today or book an appointment online.